Cardinal Bo - Archdiocese of Yangon website

FEATURE: Cardinal Bo: 'This Earthly Paradise of Myanmar Was Mutilated Into a Virtual Hell'

In Appeal Provided to ZENIT, Decries ‘The Shopping List of Mutual Hatred & Injustice Is Nauseating’

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«This earthly paradise of Myanmar was mutilated into a virtual hell.»
Cardinal Charles Bo, Archbishop of Yangon, Myanmar, expressed this in a June 6 message, provided by him to ZENIT, on ‘Return to the Golden Land – Reap the Peace Dividends: A Call to resolution of all armed conflicts in Myanmar.»
The President of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences began expressing how Myanmar was the Golden Land, «the envy of the world,» full of the most sought after treasures, resources and education, lamenting how things have changed…
«This earthly paradise was mutilated into a virtual hell,» he said, decrying: «Sixty years of festering conflicts. Armed groups from every tribe! Irrawaddy river, the mother of all of us is the mute witness to rivers of blood that soaked the earth.»
«The shopping list of mutual hatred and injustice is nauseating.»

  • More than a million displaced during these wars as refugees
  • More than a million internally displaced
  • More than 4 million of our youth forced into distress migration and slavery
  • More than 10 million of our people (20% of population) are economically displaced. It is tears and brokenness to the weak and vulnerable in this country.
  • A country where poverty rate hovers around 40 percent.

The Cardinal stressed that Myanmar’s suffering «is not due to a bad Karma,» nor «willed by God,» but rather is «a manmade disaster.»
«God does not will it. It is the stupidity of men who converted a golden land into nightmare. Since it is a manmade disaster, it can be stopped once for all by the good will of men – and women,» he said.
Cardinal Bo stressed that it is not too late to react, noting: «Once we invest in hope and peace, we can return to the original Golden Land.» He concluded with a strong appeal for peace to all those «who believe only in the power of arms,» noting that 60 years of war has brought no solution to anyone, only death and tears.
«Myanmar is our family. Peace is the gift we can give to each other to make it a blessed family. Peace and prosperity await this nation. No more days of hatred and war,» he said.
Here is Cardinal Bo’s full message, which he provided to Zenit’s Deborah Castellano Lubov

Return to the Golden Land – Reap the Peace Dividends
A Call to resolution of all armed conflicts in Myanmar
By Cardinal Charles Maung Bo., SDB
Archbishop of Yangon, Myanmar. Date: 6th June 2019
Myanmar – what a great past!
She was once called Suvarnabhumi – the Golden Land. A land that was blessed with treasures above the ground and below the ground. Jade, ruby, gems, Gold, Amber, oil, gas, tin, zinc, marble and so many precious minerals! Myanmar has 50 percent of “Golden wood” teak in the world. Majestic rivers that dance through the seductive fields, watering luxurious forests, fields that made Myanmar the rice bowl of Asia. Myanmar seemed to be a gift of an indulgent God who loved the Myanmar people with favoritism.
Cry my Beloved Country!
With all the great treasures, Myanmar is today one of the poorest countries in South East Asia. An ugly UN tag “least developed country” continues to mutilate her face. She begs for foreign investment, World Food Program continues to feed her hungry. Like the blind beggar begging with the golden plate, Myanmar, once the envy of the world, waits for her foreign saviors to quench her thirst with almighty dollars.
Cry my Beloved Country!
We were once the envy of the world. In the 1950s and early 1960s, we were the rich nation in south East Asia. China was in ruins, war had raped Japan, Korea was scorching in conflict, Singapore was a squatter colony, Malaysia was wounding with her own insurrection.
Myanmar was the heaven, the richest country in South East Asia, boasting the best universities and a culture seasoned by quality education and an enabling of spiritual tradition. Her children were colorful, coming from 8 majestic tribes, with 135 sub tribes. The riot of colors and dances of her people made Myanmar a scintillating beauty of rainbow nation.
Cry my Beloved Country!
This earthly paradise was mutilated into a virtual hell. 60 years of festering conflicts. Armed groups from every tribe! Irrawaddy river, the mother of all of us is the mute witness to rivers of blood that soaked the earth. The shopping list of mutual hatred and injustice is nauseating:

  • More than a million displaced during these wars as refugees
  • More than a million internally displaced
  • More than 4 million of our youth forced into distress migration and slavery
  • More than 10 million of our people (20% of population) are economically displaced. It is tears and brokenness to the weak and vulnerable in this country.
  • A country where poverty rate hovers around 40 percent.

Myanmar’s suffering is not due to a bad Kamma. It is a manmade disaster. God does not will it. It is the stupidity of men who converted a golden land into nightmare. Since it is a manmade disaster, it can be stopped once for all by the good will of men – and women.
It is not late. Once we invest in hope and peace, we can return to the original Golden Land. I earnestly appeal to all those who believe only in the power of arms:

  • Sixty years war has brought no solution to anyone, only death and tears
  • Peace is possible, peace is the only way. Gun has proved to be incapable of any solution.
  • The road to the Panglong Peace initiative is not perfect but it is a starting point. Give reprieve to the sound of guns, give peace a chance. Our conflicts are between siblings. Myanmar is our family. Peace is the gift we can give to each other to make it a blessed family. Peace and prosperity await this nation. No more days of hatred and war.
  • Let justice and peace flow like Irrawaddy River. Let true political and economic federalism, bring trust among communities. Let there be transparency. When the government ensures fairness through true participatory democracy, our wounds will heal, conflicts will become history. All armies can make their guns silent. Wage a war for peace. One army is enough and that army needs to be an army of justice and peace.
  • Myanmar has waited so long. Let us return to the Golden land.

Peace is possible, Peace is the only way.
Into that dream of freedom and prosperity, let my County awake.
Cardinal Charles Bo., SDB
Archbishop of Yangon and President of FABC

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Deborah Castellano Lubov

Deborah Castellano Lubov is Senior Vatican & Rome Correspondent for ZENIT; author of 'The Other Francis' ('L'Altro Francesco') featuring interviews with those closest to the Pope and preface by Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Parolin (currently published in 5 languages); Deborah is also NBC & MSNBC Vatican Analyst. She often covers the Pope's travels abroad, often from the Papal Flight (including for historic trips such as to Abu Dhabi and Japan & Thailand), and has also asked him questions on the return-flight press conference on behalf of the English-speaking press present. Lubov has done much TV & radio commentary, including for NBC, Sky, EWTN, BBC, Vatican Radio, AP, Reuters and more. She also has contributed to various books on the Pope and has written for various Catholic publications. For 'The Other Francis': or

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