It’s official: the consistory for the canonization of Blessed Cardinal John Henry Newman is set for early next week.
As announced in a Holy See Press Office bulletin this morning, Pope Francis will preside at the celebration of Terce and the Ordinary Public Consistory for the Canonization of the following Blesseds, on July 1, 2019, at 10 a.m. in the the Clementine Hall of the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace:
– John Henry Newman, Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church, founder of the Oratory of Saint Philip Neri in England
– Giuseppina Vannini (born Giuditta Adelaide Agata), founder of the Daughters of Saint Camillus
– Maria Teresa Chiramel Mankidiyan, founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Family
– Dulce Lopes Pontes (born Maria Rita), of the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of the Mother of God
– Margarita Bays, virgin of the Third Order of Saint Francis of Assisi

John Henry Newman - Wikimedia
Just Announced: The Consistory for Canonization of Blessed Cardinal Newman Set for July 1
Ordinary Public Consistory for the Vote on Various Causes of Canonization