Syria - ACN

What War Means

Articles from July 9, 2019

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INTERVIEW: Syrian Prelate: ‘I Know What War Means, the Fear of Dying, I Experienced It All in Person’

Father Raimond Girgis, Franciscan, Superior of the Saint Paul Memorial at Damascus, Makes Appeal Speaking to ZENIT in Amman, Jordan

Visit of Pope Francis to Curia of Jesuits of Rome

July 31 is Feast of Saint Ignatius of Loyola

‘I Would Like to Visit Argentina Next Year,’ Reveals Pope Francis

In An Interview with ‘La Nacion’ Newspaper

Cameroon Cleric Recounts Kidnapping Experience

Archbishop of Bamenda Relied on Praying the Rosary

Statement of Archbishop Eamon Martin on Sanctity and right to Life of Unborn Child

‘How tragic it is for humanity that some legislators would ‘fast track’ the ending of the lives of the most defenseless in our society’

Marawi Bishop to Head Dialogue Efforts in Philippines

Bishop Edwin Dela Peña has been working on peacebuilding before Islamic State-inspired terrorists wreaked havoc in 2017

Monsignor Luigi Ventura: The Holy See Renounces Jurisdictional Immunity

Decision of the Holy See officially communicated to the French authorities last week

Catholic Priest Killed in Uganda

‘He was a true servant of God’

Statistics: Migratory Flux of Priests Between Continents

Note of Central Office for Church Statistics

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