Approaching with great strides the Extraordinary Missionary Month of October 2019, strongly desired by Pope Francis as an opportunity to reinvigorate the missionary energy and the evangelizing impulse of the Catholic Church throughout the world, the National Missionary Office of Lithuania, recently set up, has launched an internet portal in preparation for the event. The internet page, at the address proposes various types of material to prepare for the Month of October and will be further enriched in the coming weeks.
Various testimonies are already available on some important figures of Church missionaries, some films in Lithuanian language, including the official video of the Holy See with the presentation of the MMS. The director of the National Missionary Office, Fr. Alessandro Barelli SDB, first National Director of the Pontifical Mission Societies in Lithuania, who sent the news to Fides, is confident that the new portal will be useful to all those, not only for the month of October but more generally, they wish to deepen the missionary dimension of the Catholic Church.
«The ‘Catholic’ denomination is born from the desire of Christ, its founder, to extend it to the ends of the earth – writes Don Barelli to Fides -. Since the first century of our era, men and women have committed themselves to spreading the Good News, the saving message of Jesus, without making distinctions of race, language or country. Every man and every woman is called to salvation, and the Church spreads its message through its members».

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New Website Promotes Missionary Action in Lithuania
Preparing for the Extraordinary Missionary Month of October 2019