© Fides

Caritas Aids Most Vulnerable in Kazakhstan

Interview with President of Bishops’ Conference

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«It is autumn, but these days in Kazakhstan there is a beautiful air of spring, of rebirth. And we can really feel that something new is happening for the Caritas of our country,» said the president of the Bishops’ Conference of Kazakhstan, Mgr. José Luís Mumbiela Sierra, during the training seminar organized in recent days by Caritas Kazakhstan for all the leaders of the local dioceses, reported Fides News Agency.

During the meeting, held in Almaty, the delegates of the Church’s charitable organization «said that their activities are focused on supporting vulnerable people who seek help from time to time, such as seniors, low-income families, people with disabilities», explains the national representative of Caritas Kazakhstan.

The importance of introducing at the local level the standards for the management of the organization developed by Caritas Internationalis was also discussed. Don Guido Trezzani noted: «The diocesan directors who started their work in Caritas recently attended the meeting, so it was necessary to start from the basics, explaining why these management models are important, what are the mechanisms that govern them and how to apply them in the diocese.»

The first part of the meeting was dedicated to sharing information and experiences: «All our Caritas realities are quite young. It is extremely important to share information and listen to what others are doing, to draw inspiration from them and, when possible, to emulate a project that has been successful», notes Don Trezzani, recalling the commitment in various projects, promoted by Caritas in the various dioceses, in favor of the poorest and most needy, such as the elderly, poor families and the disabled.

National Caritas is continuing to pursue, among others, a program to support parents of children with Down syndrome, implemented with the support of Italian specialists: «Over the whole country there are already more than 700 children participating, together with their families. In the near future, we will begin to work to create a state center, which also aims at scientific research and the training of operators for centers and schools.»

By encouraging the Caritas of Kazakhstan, the president of Caritas Internationalis, Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle sent a video message to the assembly, recalling that the work of Caritas «is not just a simple ordinary activity, but represents the working arm of the Church», which is based on three pillars: the Word of God, the sacraments and works of charity. «We cannot eliminate one and concentrate on the others, nor consider them separately. We serve our God who loves everyone, we serve Jesus, who saved everyone, so Caritas must serve everyone,» said Cardinal Tagle.

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