© Vatican Media

Pope Lauds ‘La Civiltà Cattolica’ on Publication’s 170th Anniversary

Sends Handwritten Note

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La Civiltà Cattolica has just turned 170 years old. To recognize this milestone, Pope Francis sent a handwritten note to the publication, which has always had a strong relationship with the Pope.

The text of the Holy Father’s note is published on the cover of the first issue of January 2020 of the magazine, which will be released on Saturday, January 4, 2020. Selections are available on the magazine’s website:  www.laciviltacattolica.it.

Blessed Pius IX asked the Society of Jesus to found La Civiltà Cattolica. The first issue was printed in Naples on April 6, 1850. Since then, La Civiltà Cattolica has followed the history of the Church, Italy, and the world, including two world wars, the Second Vatican Council, and 11 pontificates.  Today, Civiltà Cattolica has become an «international Jesuit magazine».

Following is a translation of the Holy Father’s note, provided by Vatican News:

“170 years ago Blessed Pius IX asked the Society of Jesus to found ‘La Civiltà Cattolica’. Since then it has faithfully accompanied the Pope. Thank you for the help you offer me as well.

“Continue living the dynamism between life and thought with listening eyes, knowing that ‘La Civiltà Cattolica’ [“Catholic civilization”] is that of the Good Samaritan.

“My wish for you is that you may be creative in God, exploring new paths, thanks also to the new international outlook that inspires the magazine: rising from the pages we hear the voices of so many frontiers listening to one another.

“Be discerning regarding language, combat hatred, small-mindedness and prejudice. And above all, do not be content with making superficial proposals or abstract synthesis: accept instead the challenge of the overflowing restlessness of the present time, in which God is always at work».

© Libreria Editrice Vatican

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Jim Fair

Jim Fair is a husband, father, grandfather, writer, and communications consultant. He also likes playing the piano and fishing. He writes from the Chicago area.

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