Caritas PNG

Bishops and Caritas Sound Alarm Against Human Trafficking in Papua New Guinea

Also Danger of Laundering Money and Arms

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«Illegal activities, prostitution, drug laundering of arms and money continue to increase as foreign human trafficking operations are becoming dramatically «normal». This is the warning launched by Caritas of the Country together with the «Justice and Peace» Commission of the Episcopal Conference of Papua New Guinea (PNG) and Solomon Islands, sent to Fides News Agency.

The Church of the Country has declared that it wants to collaborate with the police forces already involved in this sector and said it is convinced that before giving adequate indications it is necessary to examine the phenomenon through a multidisciplinary approach, to understand the problem, its causes, identify the processes and people involved.

Human trafficking in Papua New Guinea is a very complex problem given its variety of forms, the different nature of the victims and criminals who perpetrate the abuses. A recent report, published by the local newspaper «Post Courier», showed that several foreign multinationals carry out activities not foreseen in their licenses and even contrary to the laws of PNG.

The note from Caritas PNG, sent to Fides, ends with two practical recommendations: the first asks for prompt judicial proceedings for traffickers of the various abuses and for those who benefit or benefit from them, at different levels. The other requires greater cooperation, defense and awareness of human trafficking, both at a national and international level through government networks, businesses, religious communities, and civil society.

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