Gitega Cathedral, Burundi - Wikipedia

Pope Names New Bishop of Bururi, Burundi

Reverend Salvator Niciteretse, of the Clergy of Burundi

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The Holy Father has accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Bururi, Burundi, presented by Bishop Venant Bacinoni.

The Pope has appointed as bishop of the same diocese the Reverend Salvator Niciteretse, of the clergy of Burundi, currently secretary of the Episcopal Commission for the Lay Apostolate.

Reverend Salvator Niciteretse

The Reverend Salvator Niciteretse was born on August 2, 958 in Rutwenzi, diocese of Bururi, and entered the minor seminary of Kanyosha (1975 to 1979). He obtained a humanistic diploma from the middle seminary of Bujumbura (1979 to 1982), and completed his bachelor’s degree in philosophy in the major seminary of Bujumbura (1982 to 1985), and in theology in the major seminary of Burasira (1985 to 1989). He was ordained a priest on July 9, 1989, for the diocese of Bururi.

Since priestly ordination he has held the following offices: parish vicar of Murago and parish priest of the same parish, and national chaplain of the Xaveri Movement (1989 to 1993); parish priest of the Cathedral of Bururi and diocesan director of the Pontifical Mission Societies (1993 to 1998); higher studies at the Pontifical Lateran University, where he was awarded a licentiate in pastoral theology and a doctorate in the social doctrine of the Church (1998 to 2002); secretary of the Episcopal Commission for the Lay Apostolate, professor at the Major Seminary of Gitega and of Kiryama; and African representative at the International Forum of Catholic Action.

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