Visit Of The Holy Father Francis To Loreto (25/03/2019) - Photo © Photo Service - Vatican Media

Pope Extends Loreto Jubilee to December 10, 2021

Press Release

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At the end of the recitation of the Holy Rosary, on the Vigil of the Assumption, H.E. Monsignor Fabio Dal Cin, Pontifical Delegate Archbishop of Loreto, announced gratefully that Pope Francis has granted the extension of the Loreto Jubilee, linked to the 100th anniversary of the proclamation of Our Lady of Loreto, Patroness of all Aeronautics, to December 10, 2021.

“I express to the Holy Father my profound personal gratitude and that of all Military and Civil Aeronautics, of all the faithful, natives of Loreto, pilgrims, and devotees of the Holy House, for this great gift. In this difficult time for humanity, Holy Mother Church gives us an additional twelve months to begin again from Christ, allowing ourselves to be accompanied by Mary, a sign of consolation and sure hope for all,” said the Archbishop.

The Jubilee, which began officially with the opening of the Holy Door on December 8, 2019, in the presence of H.E. the Cardinal Secretary of State, Monsignor Pietro Parolin, thus renews for another twelve months the experience of grace and forgiveness for all the faithful that will come to the Pontifical Shrine; it is a grace that is extended as well to the many Chapels of civil airports and the bases of military aeronautics of the world.

“Over this year the Holy Father has manifested many times his closeness to the Holy House Shrine: during his visit on March 25, 2019, where he signed the Christus Vivit Apostolic Exhortation to Young People; in the granting and extension of the Loreto Jubilee; in the inscription on December 10 in the Roman calendar of the Optional Memorial of the Blessed Virgin of Loreto and, finally, with the insertion in the Loreto Litanies of three new invocations: Mater Misericordiae, Mater Spei, and Solacium Migrantium.”

 For all information on the Jubilee go to or the Shrine’s Website

Translation by Virginia M. Forrester

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