Circo Rony Roller. Foto: Flickr N I C O L A

Vatican Invites 2,000 People to a Circus

Among those invited by the Pope are refugees, homeless, people, prisoners, families with children from Ukraine, Syria, the Congo and Sudan, and families that squat in buildings of Rome.

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(ZENIT News / Vatican City, 09.02.2023).- On behalf of the Holy Father, on Saturday, February 11, the Apostolic Almonry is inviting 2,000 people to attend the Rony Roller Circus show. 

Among those invited are refugees, homeless people, prisoners, families with children from Ukraine, Syria, the Congo and Sudan. Attending in addition will be families squatting in buildings of Rome, more than 150 people from the streets of Torvaianica and from several residences, accompanied by volunteers, among whom are Sisters of Mother Teresa. 

A circus “puts us in contact with beauty that always elevates us,” said the Pontiff during a meeting with artists. “And it makes us go beyond; it is a path to reach the Lord.” To make it possible for people to attend the show is a way of providing a few hours of serenity to those living a hard life, and who need help to nourish hope. A show also reminds us how, behind this art and this beauty, there are hours and hours of training, of self-denial to reach the goal: circus artists are a confirmation that perseverance can make the impossible possible.

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