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French Bishop Promotes Change in the Church’s Doctrine on Homosexuality

As reported by the National Catholic Register, the discreet doctrinal rewriting movement was already raised with the Pope during the ad limina visit of the French episcopate, in September 2021.

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Covadonga Asturias

(ZENIT News / Sen, 20.03.2023).- In early March, the French newspaper La Croix, reported on the pressure that some French Bishops, headed by Archbishop Hervé Giraud of Sens, are exerting on the Church to change her doctrine on homosexuality. 

According to the National Catholic Register, the discreet movement of doctrinal rewriting was already mentioned to the Holy Father in September 2021, during the ad Limina Visit of the French Episcopate. All this has been made known in the context of a recent meeting between Archbishop Giraud and members of a Parents’ Association with homosexual sons, called Reconnaissance. In March of 2021, that group exerted pressure on and questioned  the French Bishops regarding the Catechism of the Catholic Church and what it states about homosexuality. They adduced that what it says specifically in number 2357 is confusing and violent for their dear ones. Hence they call for a change. 

The members of Reconnaissance contest Sacred Scripture, saying that both Leviticus and Saint Paul are inappropriate, given that at that time they did not know all that is now “known” about sexual orientation. The Association itself said that several Bishops were sympathetic to them. 

The La Croix article states that the Pope invited the Bishops to a new formulation of that part of the Catechism. The article also mentions the few possibilities of success. However, what is being done in France , specifically on its Website, is updating sections that address questions such as homosexuality. According to the Register, theologians are receiving assistance from homosexuals. 

Archbishop Giraud is known for not sanctioning a priest of his clergy (Matthieu Jasseron) who affirmed, in a Tik Tok video, that homosexuality isn’t a sin. More recently, through an opinion article, he asked for a change of perspective on homosexuality. For example, on four occasions, he even uses the term homophobia.

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