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Majority of Catholic Colleges for Women Enrol Men that Identify Themselves as Women

“We have a double crisis of identity: among young people captured by the gender ideology and among the Catholic Universities that challenge the Church and reject its teaching, which is fundamental for authentic Catholic education.”

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(ZENIT News / Los Angeles, 02.05.2024).- Quite a few Catholic Colleges for Women in the United States allow men, who identify themselves as transgender women, to enrol in their institutions, reveals a Report, although the Church’s teaching on gender and sex doesn’t approve this practice.

A study, which appeared on April 26 in the National Catholic Register, showed that of the three dozen or so Catholic Colleges for Women, the majority admit biological men who see themselves as women. It is important to note that the mission of the National Catholic Register, which was founded by Monsignor Matthew Smith in the Archdiocese of Denver in 1927,  has been to offer the news of the day through the eyes of the Church’s Magisterium.

The publication researched eight Catholic Colleges for Women, belonging to all Catholic Women’s Religious Orders, with an independent Board of Directors, which supervises the performance of the institution.

Five of those Women’s Colleges state explicitly on their Websites that they allow the enrolment of men that identify themselves as women. And two admit that they allow students to enrol according to their identification as transexual individuals, in keeping with the pro-transgender “Campus Pride” organization.

The National Catholic Register and its NCRegister.com digital format is published fortnightly. In its research, it highlights that some of these Colleges affirm in their policies that they are favourable to transgender individuals, and that they do so in keeping with Catholic teaching. It is astonishing that they have set aside Pope Francis’ explicit rejection of gender ideology.

Only one of the Bishops of the dioceses where these educational institutions function, are measures being studied in regard to these policies.

Colleges Reviewed by the National Catholic Register

Alverno College in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, states on its Webpage: “In the Catholic tradition of care and respect for every human person, we support students in their journey of self-discovery and we recognize that gender identity can change over time.” The College offers guidelines and services for transgender students, as integral members of the College community.

Milwaukee’s Mount Saint Mary’s College, considers itself a “Catholic College that believes and acts in keeping with the tradition of care, respect and access to education.” The College “makes an effort to create an environment that includes all gender identities and intersectionality.”

Mount Saint Mary’s College in Los Angeles, states that “any student that was born a woman or that identifies as such can be admitted in our traditional undergraduate women’s College.”

Saint Catherine University of St. Paul, Minnesota, “accepts students of all genders and gender identities in the School for Adults and the Postgraduate School, admitting to the Women’s College,  all students that identify themselves as women.”

The College of Saint Benedict in St. Joseph, Minnesota admits “applicants who were assigned female sex at birth, as well as those that were assigned masculine or feminine sex at birth, but who now live and identify themselves systematically as transgender women of fluid or binary gender.”

According to “Campus Pride,” Trinity Washington University, the Catholic private University in Washington, D.C., allows the enrolment of men who identify themselves as women.

The Daily Signal reported that Saint Mary’s College, in Notre Dame, Indiana, decided seven months go to allow men that identify themselves as women to enrol in the College, beginning in the Fall of 2024; however, in December it retracted its decision. President Katie Conboy said in an e-mail that the initial decision was seen as a “reflection of our College’s commitment to live our Catholic values as a loving and just community.” However, she added that it is “increasingly clear “ that “the position we took is not shared by all the members of our community.”

In face of this situation of Universities, the comments of Patrick Reilly, President of the Cardinal Newman Society, acquire force. “We have a double crisis of identity: among young people captured by the gender ideology and among the Catholic Universities that challenge the Church and reject its teaching, which is fundamental for authentic Catholic education.”

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Rafael Manuel Tovar

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