Cardinal Gerald Lacroix Photo: ABC

After An Investigation, Vatican Discards Anonymous Accusation of Abuse Against Cardinal Gerald Lacroix

The Holy Father authorized Judge Denis to issue a press release summarizing the elements of his investigation and also to respond to any questions on the matter.

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(ZENIT News / Vatican City, 21.05.2024).- The Holy See Press Office reported the results and conclusions of the preliminary canonical investigation into an anonymous accusation of abuse against Cardinal Gerald C. Lacroix, Archbishop of Quebec, and member of Pope Francis’ Council of Cardinals.

On February 8, 2024, Pope Francis entrusted André Denis, retired Judge of Quebec’s Higher Court, the mandate to clarify an accusation formulated in the framework of a class action lawsuit filed against the Archdiocese of Quebec. The Archdiocese of Quebec made this fact known on March 4, 2024.

The Report of the preliminary canonical investigation, carried out by Judge André Denis was completed on May 6, 2024 and handed to the Pope in the following days.

In light of the events examined by the Judge, the Report does not identify any action as bad conduct or abuse by Cardinal Gerald Lacroix. Consequently, no further in-depth canonical procedure is foreseen.

The Holy Father authorized Judge Denis to issue a press release summarizing the elements of his investigation and also to respond to any questions on the matter.

Pope Francis expressed his profound gratitude to Judge Denis for having concluded, within the expected deadlines, the mandate entrusted to him, which he carried out impartially in the framework of the class action lawsuit filed  against the Archdiocese of Quebec.

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Valentina di Giorgio

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