the Pontiff ended by thanking them for your visit and I wish you much success in your sport and social activities

the Pontiff ended by thanking them for your visit and I wish you much success in your sport and social activities Photo: Vatican Media

Midfielder Luka Modrić and the Croatian Football Team Greet the Pope in the Vatican

(ZENIT News / Vatican City, 05.06.2024).- Minutes before the General Audience in Saint Peter’s Square, Pope Francis received in private audience the Croatian Soccer Team, which won third place in the World Cup Qatar 2022. “I am pleased to welcome you, leaders […]

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(ZENIT News / Vatican City, 05.06.2024).- Minutes before the General Audience in Saint Peter’s Square, Pope Francis received in private audience the Croatian Soccer Team, which won third place in the World Cup Qatar 2022.

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“I am pleased to welcome you, leaders and players of the Croatian Football Team,” said the Pope, adding “In the last World Championship you won third place: Congratulations! That event, which also received many criticisms in some aspects, confirmed, however, that football is a worldwide phenomenon, able to engage a great number of people, to arouse emotions [and] collective feelings. I can attest to that, coming from a country where all this is lived to the hilt.”

Addressing the players, he said: “But you play football, form part of a team and have the honour to represent your country. And being a team is an aspect of sport that I like to stress, because it’s a metaphor of social life, in the different environments in which one lives and works together with others. Individual actions, imagination [and] creativity are important . . . but, if individualism prevails, then all the dynamic is ruined and the objective is not achieved. Thank you for giving us the example of teamwork.”

The Holy Father also pointed out that “there are many other values “at stake.” Think of the sense of honour, friendship among yourselves and fraternity, loyalty and self-control. In this connection, don’t ever forget  that the fans, especially young people, are reflected in you: your role goes beyond the sports realm and becomes a model of life and success. Hence, it’s important that you cultivate your spiritual and human qualities, so that you can give a good example.”

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Finally, calling the players friends, the Pontiff ended by thanking them for “your visit and I wish you much success in your sport and social activities. I bless you and ask you, please, to pray for me. Thank you very much.”

The audience was held in the Room adjacent to Paul VI Hall in Vatican City. In the month of April 2024, FIFA classified the Croatian team as number 10 in the international ranking. Present at the audience was Luka Modrić, who in the Qatar 2022 World Cup was awarded the Bronze Ball.

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