The survey’s question on both platforms was: “Do you think that synodality as a way of conversion and reform can improve the mission and participation of all the baptized?”

The survey’s question on both platforms was: “Do you think that synodality as a way of conversion and reform can improve the mission and participation of all the baptized?” Photo: Life Site

According to An Official Survey of the Synod, 88% of People Reject Synodality

Although the Synod’s General Secretariat has not revealed why it erased the survey, the latter has also enabled it to know what those surveyed think, who responded on the social networks.

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(ZENIT News / Rome, 03.08.2024).- On Thursday, July 25 the official accounts on X (formerly Twitter) and Facebook of the Synod’s General Secretariat, entity of the Holy See that is responsible for promoting the Synod on Synodality, carried out surveys online.

The survey’s question on both platforms was: “Do you think that synodality as a way of conversion and reform can improve the mission and participation of all the baptized?” Given that online surveys of the two social networks only allow a “yes” or a “no”, the massive answer not only was surprising (just over 7,000 on X and just over 800 on Facebook) but the percentage of rejection as answer to the question was: 88% of “no” on X and 88% of “no” on Facebook.

Added to the answers was a great number of comments, which questioned not only the survey but also in general the topic of synodality and some subjects associated to it, sometimes perhaps out of ignorance, such as women’s ordination or the acceptance of homosexuality in the Church.

Given that surveys on Facebook and X last only one day, the answer closed with a massive rejection on Friday, July 26.  The Synod’s General Secretariat erased both publications, which generated a response as, on not receiving the expected answer, the majority of those that commented have had to backdown.

Encuesta del Sínodo en Facebook que ha sido borrada

Although the Synod’s General Secretariat has not revealed why it erased the survey, the latter has also enabled it to know what those surveyed think, who responded on the social networks.

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Valentina di Giorgio

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