Pope Francis arrived to Papua New Guinea Photo: Vatican Media

The Pope’s Third Day in Indonesia and First in Papua New Guinea

After leaving Indonesia, the Pope arrived in Papua New Guinea, the second stage of his longest pastoral journey.

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(ZENIT News / Jakarta – Port Moresby, 06.09.2024).-  After celebrating Holy Mass in private on Friday morning, September 6, Pope Francis took leave of the staff and benefactors of the Apostolic Nunciature in Jakarta and went to the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, where the farewell ceremony to Indonesia took place.

On his arrival at the airport, the Holy Father was received by the Minister of Religious Affairs.

Un momento dell'arrivo del Papa all'aeroporto di Port Moresby

After the greetings of the respective Delegations and Entourages, the Pope boarded a  A330 /Garuda Indonesia plane and left at 10:37 am (05.37 am Rome time) for Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.

The flight landed at Jacksons International Airport of Port Moresby after some 6 hours.

The Pope in Papua New Guinea

The Holy Father arrived at Port Moresby’s International Airport in Papua New Guinea at 07.09 pm (11.09 pm Rome time). He was received by the Vice-Prime Minister and two children dressed in traditional clothes who gave him flowers.

La cerimonia di accoglienza al Jackson International Airport

After the Guard of Honour, the playing of the Anthems and the Honours to the Flags, the presentation took place of the respective Delegations.

At the end, the Pope took leave of the Vice-Prime Minister and went by car to the Apostolic Nunciature.


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