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man talks to a priest Photo: Cathopic

Report Reveals Surprising Findings on the Role of Faith in a Polarized Society

New Report from More in Common Challenges Misconceptions About Faith in America

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(ZENIT News / Atlanta, 09.17.2024).- More in Common, a nonpartisan research organization dedicated to fostering social cohesion, announced the release of its latest report: Promising Revelations: Undoing the False Impressions of America’s Faithful.

This in-depth study draws on research from more than 6,000 Americans to paint a clear picture of faith in America in 2024 — dispelling key misperceptions surrounding faith communities and highlighting the powerful role faith leaders can play in bridging divisions in the United States.

Contrary to the widespread belief that religion, particularly within Evangelical and Catholic communities, is heavily politicized, the report finds that most Americans turn to faith for spiritual support rather than political expression. Furthermore, despite narratives of faith’s decline, the majority of Americans, including younger generations, still see their religious identity as a vital part of their lives. The study also dispels stereotypes about religious intolerance, revealing that most faith communities value pluralism and desire a society in which all religions feel welcome.

Jason Mangone, Executive Director of More in Common US, said: “This report shines a light on the enormous potential of America’s faith communities to heal divisions and foster a more united society. It’s time we move beyond the misperceptions that have distorted the public narrative about faith in America and embrace the vital role faith leaders can play in building bridges across divides.”

Among the report’s key recommendations are calls for faith leaders to leverage their influence to reduce political polarization, promote dialogue, and challenge the misconceptions that fuel division. By emphasizing shared values such as kindness, dignity, and respect for diversity, the report suggests that faith communities can be at the forefront of efforts to strengthen social cohesion.

“One of the most important findings is that Americans’ religious lives are far more nuanced than the political narratives surrounding them,” said Coco Xu, the report’s lead author. “While some media narratives may portray communities of faith as intolerant, politically-driven, or increasingly irrelevant, our research suggests otherwise; most religious Americans—Evangelical or otherwise—prioritize their relationship with God, their families, and moral values over their political identity.”

The full report is available for download. More in Common is a non-partisan research and civic nonprofit that works to understand the forces driving us apart, find common ground, and bring people together to address our shared challenges.

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