St. John's Seminary - Wikipedia

Cardinal O'Malley Issues Statement On Seminary Review in Boston

Review Expanded to Three Seminaries and Outside Firm Engaged

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Cardinal Sean O’Malley,  Archbishop of Boston and president of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, announced October 11, 2018, that he is expanding the review of St. John’s Seminary, in Brighton, in the Archdiocese of Boston to include the other two Boston seminaries, Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary in Weston and Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Chestnut Hill.
In addition, the archdiocese has engaged an outside firm – Yurko, Salvesen & Remz – to conduct the review.  The firm replaces the review committee appointed by the Cardinal in August, at which time he was ordering an investigation and that he was «very concerned» in the of allegations about events at the seminary
In the statement he released on Aug. 10, 2018, the Cardinal stated the current rector will effectively be on ‘sabbatical’ until after the investigations are completed.
“Earlier this week,” his August statement began, “I was informed that two former seminarians of St. John’s Seminary in the Archdiocese of Boston had posted allegations on social media sites including the Archdiocese’s Facebook page that during their time at the seminary they witnessed and experienced activities which are directly contrary to the moral standards and requirements of formation for the Catholic priesthood. ”
“As Archbishop of Boston, with responsibility for the integrity of the seminary and its compliance with the Church’s Program for Priestly Formation,” he continued, “I am committed to immediate action to address these serious matters and have made the following decisions regarding St. John’s Seminary: First, I have asked Msgr. James P. Moroney, Rector of St. John’s, to go on sabbatical leave for the Fall Semester, beginning immediately, in order that there can be a fully independent inquiry regarding these matters. Second, I have appointed Rev. Stephen E. Salocks, Professor of Sacred Scripture, to serve as Interim Rector at St. John’s.”
Cardinal O’Malley said in his October 11 communications that after consulting with many people since August, he decided that the review of the single seminary should include all three in the archdiocese. He said this is the expected level of «transparency and accountability».
«In the weeks that have followed, I have consulted with many men and women who care deeply about the Church and our seminaries. The consultations have included recognition that the Archdiocese is the sponsor for three seminaries: St. John Seminary in Brighton, Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary in Weston and Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Chestnut Hill,» the Cardinal said. «While the initial review was specific to St John’s, I have concluded that to meet the generally expected levels of transparency and accountability, it is best to expand the review to include all three seminaries. I want to reassure the seminary communities and the wider public that these are institutions committed to the highest standards of integrity, respect and safety for our seminarians, faculty, and staff.»

Cardinal O’Malley’s Full Statement of October 11, 2018

«This past August, I assembled a committee of men and women with the highest integrity and expertise to conduct a review at St. John’s Seminary in the Archdiocese of Boston. This review is in response to postings on the Archdiocesan Facebook page by two former seminarians stating that during their time at the seminary, they witnessed and experienced activities that are directly contrary to the moral standards and requirements of formation for the Catholic priesthood. Within days of these Facebook postings, the committee was appointed, announced publicly and preparations begun to review the culture of the St John Seminary regarding the personal standards expected and required of candidates for the priesthood, including any seminary issues of sexual harassment or other forms of intimidation or discrimination. I also committed to make available whatever resources the committee felt necessary to undertake this review.

In the weeks that have followed, I have consulted with many men and women who care deeply about the Church and our seminaries. The consultations have included recognition that the Archdiocese is the sponsor for three seminaries: St. John Seminary in Brighton, Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary in Weston and Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Chestnut Hill.  While the initial review was specific to St John’s, I have concluded that to meet the generally expected levels of transparency and accountability, it is best to expand the review to include all three seminaries. I want to reassure the seminary communities and the wider public that these are institutions committed to the highest standards of integrity, respect and safety for our seminarians, faculty, and staff.

I am confident that the committee that was appointed for the review of St. John’s Seminary was fully capable of conducting an objective and thorough study. These women and men are individuals with impeccable integrity and are distinguished in their fields. However, with the determination to expand the review to all Archdiocesan seminaries it would not be reasonable to ask them to take on a project of that scope. Also, I recognize that each member of the original committee has connections or ties to St. John’s Seminary and that given the current challenges of confidence in Church leadership and institutions, the people of the Church and our civic community there may have been concerns regarding the objectivity and completeness of the committee’s findings. For these several reasons, I have decided to engage Yurko, Salvesen & Remz to conduct the review of the Archdiocesan seminaries. The review will be led by former U.S. Attorney Donald K. Stern, with the assistance of Doug Salvesen and others at the firm. Yurko, Salvesen & Remz has significant experience with the process of review that we seek and does not have an existing relationship with any of the seminaries or the Archdiocese of Boston. Individuals who have information relevant to the review are encouraged to contact the firm directly, either by email to or by calling (617) 723-6900. Individuals who have already provided information relevant to the inquiry, please know that this will be directly transmitted to Yurko, Salvesen & Remz.

Once the review work is completed I am committed to releasing an independent report that addresses any issues arising from the review and identify steps that we will take to remediate any identified problems. Yurko, Salvesen & Remz will determine the timetable for completion of the review.

It is important to recognize that this review is being conducted in a manner that will be thorough and respectful of all participants but also with as little disruption as possible to the academic year now underway at the seminaries. I want to assure all participants of the integrity of this process and my confidence that truth and full disclosure will ultimately unify us all.

The Archdiocese of Boston is blessed to have three nationally recognized seminaries that are among the finest in the United States. This past May I ordained seven men to the priesthood at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church in Boston as the Cathedral of the Holy Cross is undergoing renovations. It was a beautiful and holy celebration, focused on the commitment of the new priests and the future of our Archdiocese. In my homily, I shared that the Church exists to evangelize, and all our priests must be missionary disciples, constantly inviting others to be part of Jesus’ family, to embrace his Gospel and his mission. I urged the newly ordained to embrace the principles of love, and mercy, which are vital elements of that mission, and that mercy must be a principal theme of their ministry. A seminarian begins the journey of discernment long before entering seminary, where they enter into a formal program of spiritual, academic and human formation. In May 2019 I look forward to ordaining the largest number of new priests in more than two decades in the Archdiocese of Boston.

I often share that Evangelization and the encouragement of vocations are the work of all people of the Church, our parishioners, our priests, deacons and the religious women and men whose presence is a great assistance for our ministry. In times such as we are experiencing it is of ever greater importance that we embrace the dedication, commitment, and experience of the laity if we are to provide the path for our future priests to serve as witnesses of the love and mercy of Jesus.

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Jim Fair

Jim Fair is a husband, father, grandfather, writer, and communications consultant. He also likes playing the piano and fishing. He writes from the Chicago area.

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