© Fides

Argentina’s Bishops Ask Benefits of Democratic Path

‘Need to overcome the various forms of violence and build social friendship’

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«We ask God to help us so that the democratic path is translated into a dignified life, integral development, work for all, access to health and quality education»: this is what the Bishops of Argentina say in a message entitled «The strengthening of our nation», which they published while their Plenary Assembly is taking place in the city of Pilar, reported Fides News Agency.

From November 4 to 9, in fact, the Argentine Episcopate is gathered to address various issues related to the social and pastoral reality, including the prevention of sexual abuse in the Church, the Marian Congress next year, the elaboration of the Argentine catechism, the Synod for the Amazon, economic reform.

After the elections on October 27th, which declared the victory of the Peronist candidate, Alberto Fernandez, who obtained 48.10 percent, while outgoing Liberal President Mauricio Macri did not go beyond 40.37 percent, the Bishops in their message sent to Fides, reiterate that «at the beginning of a new period of our democracy, for which we have irreversibly opted, we want to walk with the Argentines to consolidate it more every day.

«The Homeland asks everyone renewed effort to sincere dialogue and to seek consensus in order to generate a higher synthesis. The greatness of our leadership will manifest itself in this attempt if it is also able to incorporate the efforts and research of the poorest.»

The Bishops then emphasize the crime of corruption and reiterate that the real strengthening of democracy will not be possible «without a firm ethical option at the different levels of social life, without a true division of the powers of the State and a daily and generous participation of every Argentine». Finally, they urge, as responsible citizens, «to form a people that, beyond the discrepancies, maintain stable references consistent with a common project», this presupposes «a renewed commitment to overcome the various forms of violence and to build social friendship».

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