Advice the Pope Gave Cardinals in View of Conclave

To Listen to Lesson Left in Sistine Chapel

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VATICAN CITY, APRIL 5, 2005 ( John Paul II left advice for the cardinals who would meet to elect his successor: to understand the lesson left by Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel, where the conclave will take place.

The Pope offered a poetic vision of what the conclave would be, which would be held «after my death,» in his work «Roman Triptych,» published in March 2003 and written between the summer and Christmas of 2002.

Contemplating the fresco of the Last Judgment, the Holy Father wrote: «Those to whom the care of the legacy of the keys has been entrusted gather here, allowing themselves to be enfolded by the Sistine colors, by the vision left to us by Michelangelo. So it was in August, and then in October, of the memorable year of the two Conclaves, and so it will be again, when the need arises after my death.»

«Michelangelo’s vision must then speak to them,» reflected the Pope.

«‘Con-clave’: a joint concern for the legacy of the keys of the Kingdom. They will find themselves between the Beginning and the End, between the Day of Creation and the Day of Judgment …,» he said.

«It is necessary that during the Conclave, Michelangelo teach them,» he stressed, concluding with one of the essential contents of this lesson: «Do not forget: ‘Omnia nuda et aperta sunt ante oculos Eius’: Everything is naked and open before His eyes.»

John Paul II concluded his poem with a prayer to God for the conclave: «You who are in all, show the way! He will teach you …»

Here is the Pope’s poetic passage.


In the Sistine the artist painted the Judgment,
The Judgment dominates the whole interior.
Here, the invisible End becomes poignant visibility.
This End is also the summit of transparency
such is the path of all generations.

«Non omnis moriar» (Not all of me will die).
What is imperishable in me
now stands face to face with Him Who Is!
This is what fills the central wall of the Sistine profusion of color.

Do you remember, Adam? At the beginning he asked you where are you?
And you replied: I hid myself from You because I was naked.
Who told you that you were naked?
The woman whom you put here with me gave me the fruit …

All those who populate the central wall of the Sistine painting
bear in themselves the heritage of that reply of yours!
Of that question and that response!
Such is the End of your path.


It is here, at the feet of this marvelous Sistine profusion of color
that the Cardinals gather
a community responsible for the legacy of the keys of the Kingdom.
They come right here.
And once more Michelangelo wraps them in his vision.
In Him we live and move and have our being.

Who is He?

Look, here the creating hand of the Almighty Ancient One,
turned towards Adam …
In the beginning God created …
He, the all-seeing One …

The Sistine painting will then speak with the Word of the Lord:
«Tu est Petrus» (you are Peter) as Simon, the son of Jonah, heard.
To you I will give the keys of the Kingdom.
Those to whom the care of the legacy of the keys has been entrusted
gather here, allowing themselves to be enfolded by the Sistine colors,
by the vision left to us by Michelangelo
so it was in August, and then in October,
of the memorable year of the two Conclaves,
and so it will be again, when the need arises after my death.
Michelangelo’s vision must then speak to them.
Conclave: a joint concern for the legacy of the keys of the Kingdom.
They will find themselves between the Beginning and the End,
between the Day of Creation and the Day of Judgment.
It is given to man once to die and after that the judgment!

A final transparency and light.
The clarity of the events
the clarity of consciences
It is necessary that during the Conclave, Michelangelo teach them
Do not forget: «Omnia nuda et aperta sunt ante oculos Eius.»
You who are in all, show the way!
He will teach you …

[Copyright, Vatican Publishing House]

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