Who´s Afraid of the Truth?

It´s a Challenge for Modern Culture, Cardinal Says

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MADRID, Spain, MAY 29, 2001 (Zenit.org).- Contemporary culture fears to hear about «truth,» says Cardinal Paul Poupard.

«Truth is too strong a word for our ears, which are accustomed to weak thought,» the president of the Pontifical Council for Culture told a conference Monday at San Pablo-CEU University.

«To speak of truth in contemporary culture is a provocation and challenge,» the French cardinal said. «It seems as though to seek truth is a chimera or an impossible, quixotic enterprise.»

In the wake of the recent extraordinary consistory of cardinals, he said, «We have two great challenges in the cultural realm — the first, to proclaim the Gospel in an increasingly pluralist world, conquering two great temptations: the first, fear of the other, and closing in on oneself, which gives way to fundamentalism, [or the reverse], a very immoderate desire to understand and open oneself to the other, which implies the loss of one´s own identity.»

«As Peter, the first Pontiff, said: ´We must know how to give reasons for our hope with gentleness and respect,´» Cardinal Poupard said.

«The second great challenge,» he added, «is evangelization of originally Christian countries, with the appearance of a new generation that has not received Christian formation and has no information. For them, the Gospel is not news, but rather something foreign or strange.»

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