Jaime Oswaldo Castillo Villacrés © Vatican Media

Point Appoints Vicar Apostolic of Zamora, Ecuador

Reverend Jaime Oswaldo Castillo Villacrés

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The Holy Father has appointed as vicar apostolic of Zamora, Ecuador, with episcopal character, the Reverend Jaime Oswaldo Castillo Villacrés, of the clergy of the diocese of Loja, until now rector of the Seminario Reina de El Cisne and president of the organization of seminaries of Ecuador.

Curriculum vitae

Msgr. Jaime Oswaldo Castillo Villacrés was born on 17 September 1973 in Gozanamá, province, and diocese of Loja. He attended the Seminario Reina de El Cisne, Loja, concluding his formation for the priesthood at the Pontifical International College Maria Mater Ecclesiae of the Legionaries of Christ in Rome.

He received episcopal ordination on September 11, 1998, and was incardinated in the diocese of Loja.

Since ordination he has held the following roles: parish vicar of El Sagrario, Loja (2000); parish priest of San Isidro Labrador, chaplain of the Monastery of the Poor Clares and diocesan delegate for Communication, Loja (2001-2003); professor of the Seminario Mayor Reina de El Cisne, vicar of the Nuestra Señora de El Cisne Shrine and director of the Shrine Radio, Loja (2003-2004). He subsequently obtained a bachelor’s degree in Communication Sciences at the Salesian Pontifical University; a doctorate in sacred theology with an anthropological focus at the Theological Faculty of Central Italy, Florence (2005-2007); and a diploma in Youth Ministry at CELAM. He took part in a Latin American course for formators in major seminaries.

He has also served as formator in the Seminario Mayor Reina de El Cisne (2008-2009); parish priest of Vicentino, Puyango, Loja (2010); delegate for Youth Diocesan Pastoral Ministry, Loja (2011-2013); chaplain of the Hogar María Bordoni and the Escuela Mater Dei, Loja (2011-2013); member of the Diocesan Pastoral Council, Loja; parish priest of San Juan Evangelista in Chambo, Riobamba (2013-2015); diocesan delegate for the pastoral care of vocations, Riobamba (2013-2017); formator of the Major Seminary Cristo Buen Pastor, Riobamba; and parish priest of San Miguel de Pungalá, Riobamba (2016-2017). Since 2017 he has served as rector of the Seminario Mayor Reina de El Cisne, Loja and from 2018 until the present, president of the Organisation of Seminaries of Ecuador.

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