The theme of the Meeting will be ‘The Challenge of Synodality for Mission’.

The theme of the Meeting will be ‘The Challenge of Synodality for Mission’. Photo: Dicastery for Laity

200 representatives of ecclesial movements and communities from all over the world in Rome for annual meeting

This year’s Meeting with the Moderators of international associations aims to highlight some examples of synodal structures and practices already implemented in associations and movements that can be an example and stimulus for the whole Church, such as sharing experiences of faith within small groups or small communities, community discernment, co-responsibility of lay and ordained ministers in assuming roles of governance

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(ZENIT News / Rome, 06.11.2024).- Around 200 participants will attend the  Annual Meeting with the Moderators of Associations of the Faithful, Ecclesial  Movements, and New Communities, organised by the Dicastery for Laity, Family  and Life (DLFL) which will take place in the New Synod Hall in Vatican City on  Thursday 13 June 2024.

The theme of the Meeting will be ‘The Challenge of Synodality for  Mission’. The Church, through the Synod on Synodality, is experiencing a  prolonged time of consultation, reflection and dialogue to fully implement the  synodal dimension, which is part of its nature as a mystery of communion, in the  image of Trinitarian communion.

This year’s Meeting with the Moderators of international associations aims  to highlight some examples of synodal structures and practices already  implemented in associations and movements that can be an example and stimulus  for the whole Church, such as sharing experiences of faith within small groups or  small communities, community discernment, co-responsibility of lay and ordained  ministers in assuming roles of governance, involvement of married couples and  young people in evangelisation, charitable and social action, etc.

Participants in the Annual Meeting with Moderators will also be invited to  reflect on synodal dimensions that pose new challenges to the growth of  associations and movements.

The theme of the day is placed within the ultimate ecclesial purpose of  mission, the only purpose capable of giving full meaning, concreteness and  effectiveness to the synodal journey.

The day will open with the celebration of Holy Mass in Saint Peter’s  Basilica presided over by His Eminence Card. Kevin Farrell – Prefect of the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life. Participants will then attend an Audience  with the Holy Father Pope Francis.

After a welcoming address by Card. Kevin Farrell, the programme will  include two main presentations. Prof. Rafael Luciani, Lecturer at Andrés Bello  Catholic University (Venezuela) will introduce the theme ‘Mission as the Goal of  Synodality’, and Dr Elisa Lisiero – a Dicastery official – will invite participants to  reflect on synodality and the experience of the movements.

As always, ample time for sharing and free question/answer session will  characterise the Meeting.

As in previous years, invitation to the Annual Meeting with the Moderators is open only to the one hundred and seventeen international associations of the  faithful – private and public – and other entities with legal personality, over which  the Dicastery has direct jurisdiction and whose life and development it is bound to  accompany (cf. PE, n. 134).

The Dicastery’s website ( has an updated Directory  with the list and contacts of associations, ecclesial movements, and new  communities.

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