“The prayer of the poor rises to God”

“The prayer of the poor rises to God” Photo: El Pais

Pope Makes Known Message for 8th World Day of the Poor

The next World Day of the Poor will be held in November 17, 2024. As usual, the Holy Father will preside over the Eucharistic Celebration in Saint Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican. Then the traditional lunch will take place with some poor people in Paul VI Hall

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(ZENIT News / Vatican City, 13.06.2024).- Pope Francis has chosen a particularly significant motto for the 8th World Day of the Poor of 2024, dedicated to prayer, as the Ordinary Jubilee of 2025 approaches. “The prayer of the poor rises to God” (cf. Sirach 21:5). This expression, which comes from the ancient sacred author Ben Sirach (Old Testament), is immediate and easily comprehensible.

The Holy Father reiterates that the poor have a privileged place in God’s Heart, who is attentive and close to each one of them. God listens to the prayer of the poor and, in face of suffering, is “impatient” until He does them justice. In fact, the Book of Ecclesiasticus attests again that “the judgment of God will be in favour of the poor” (cf. 21:5).

The next World Day of the Poor will be held in November 17, 2024. As usual, the Holy Father will preside over the Eucharistic Celebration in Saint Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican. Then the traditional lunch will take place with some poor people in Paul VI Hall, organized, as last year, by the Dicastery for Charity, while the Dicastery for Evangelization will attend to the neediest with several charitable initiatives.

In the week before the Day, all parish and diocesan communities will be called to focus their pastoral activities on the needs of the poor in their neighbourhoods, through concrete signs.

In his Message, Pope Francis invites all to learn to pray for the poor and to pray together with them, with humility and trust. The World Day of the Poor is an opportunity to become aware of the presence of the poor in our cities and communities, and to understand their needs. As always, the Pope also mentions the “new poor,” who result from the violence of wars, “bad politics made by weapons” (n. 4), which causes innocent victims.

The Holy Father reiterates that the authenticity of prayer must be verified in concrete charity. In fact, prayer and works refer to each other. “If prayer is not translated in concrete actions it is vain; (. . . ) however, charity without prayer runs the risk of becoming philanthropy, which is soon exhausted” (n. 7). This is the legacy that many Saints have left us throughout history, such as Saint Teresa of Calcutta, who always repeated how prayer was the place from which she drew faith and strength to serve the poor. Found also in the Message is the example of Saint Benedict Joseph Labré, “God’s vagabond,” poor among the poor, whose urn is in the church of Santa Maria ai Monti in Rome, and is visited by many pilgrims.

Not to be forgotten, however, are the numerous people in our cities that continue to dedicate part of their time to listen to and to support the very poor. They are concrete faces that, with their example, “give voice to God’s answer to the prayer of those that turn to Him” (n. 7). The World Day of the Poor is also an occasion to remember each one of them and to thank the Lord.

Hence, Pope Francis’ Message for this 8th World Day of the Poor invites all to more serious spiritual attention to the poor, who need God and someone who is a concrete sign of His listening and closeness.

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