God Is No Longer Invisible, Says Pope

Affirms That Face of the Father Is Love

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VATICAN CITY, MAY 22, 2011 (Zenit.org).- To believe in God and to believe in Jesus Christ are not two separate acts, but rather «one act of faith,» says Benedict.The Pope affirmed this today in his address before praying the midday Regina Caeli with those gathered in St. Peter’s Square, in which he reflected on Christ as the «way, the truth and the life.» 

«The New Testament put an end to the Father’s invisibility,» the Holy Father said. «God has shown his face.»

«With his incarnation, death and resurrection, the Son of God has freed us from the slavery of sin to give us the freedom of the children of God and has shown us the face of God, which is love: God can be seen, he is visible in Christ,» he added.

The Pontiff explained that «only by believing in Christ, by remaining united to him, the disciples, among whom we also are, can continue their permanent action in history.»

Benedict XVI encouraged the faithful to follow Christ «daily, in the simple actions that make up our day,» and recalled that «the goal is the Father.»

«For Christians, for each one of us, hence, the way to the Father is to allow ourselves to the guided by Jesus, by his word of truth, and to receive the gift of his life,» he explained.

He concluded by underlining that the «main task of the Church» is to «proclaim Jesus Christ, ‘the way, the truth and the life.'»

«Let us invoke the Virgin Mary,» he said, «so that she will always assist the pastors and those who in the different ministries to proclaim the happy message of salvation, so that the Word of God is diffused and the number of disciples multiplied.»

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