Pontiff Mourns Murder of 4 Missionaries in Africa

Highlights Faithful Witness to the Gospel

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VATICAN CITY, DEC. 13, 2009 (Zenit.org).- Benedict XVI is expressing sorrow over the murder of four missionaries in Africa this week.

In the public address given by the Pope today before he prayed the midday Angelus, he stated, «This week I received sad news from certain countries in Africa about the murder of four missionaries: the priests, Father Daniel Cizimya, Father Louis Blondel and Father Jerry Roche, and Sister Denise Kahambu.»

Father Daniel Cizimya Nakamaga, 51, was shot in the head on Dec. 6 when gunmen stormed his home in Kabare, near Bukavu, Congo. Two days after the priest’s murder, Sister Denise Kahambu was killed in near the same city in a separate attack on a Trappist monastery.

French Father Louis Blondel, 70, of the Missionaries of Africa was shot in his presbytery in Diepsloot, South Africa, also on Dec. 6.

Irish Father Jeremiah Roche, 68, was killed Friday night in his Kericho, Kenya, home.

The Pontiff said, «They were faithful witnesses of the Gospel, which they knew how to proclaim, even at the risk of their own lives.»

He expressed his «nearness to their families and communities, who are grieving,» and invited all «to join in my prayer that the Lord welcome them into his house, console those who weep for them and bring them reconciliation and peace with his coming.»

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