6 Cardinals Contribute to New Book

LONDON, JAN. 25, 2002 (Zenit.org).- Six

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cardinals have contributed to a collection of speeches and lectures that
touches on topics ranging from Northern Ireland to consumer materialism.

Entitled «Teachers of the Faith,» the work comprises texts by Cardinals
Basil Hume, Thomas Winning, Cahal Daly, Joseph Ratzinger and Johannes
Willebrands, as well as Archbishop Derek Worlock, Bishop Alan Clark and
Bishop James Sangu. Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor wrote the foreward.

All of the lectures were delivered in Britain over the last 26 years, and
have appeared in the pages of Briefing, the official monthly journal of the
Catholic bishops of Britain. In the book,

–Cardinal Hume speaks about his personal faith journey and Jesus Christ

–Cardinal Winning discusses the Church in the third millennium.

–Cardinal Daly’s two contributions concern Northern Ireland, and the moral
challenges facing the Church.

–Cardinal Ratzinger’s address is on consumer materialism and Christian

–Cardinal Willebrands asks, Is Christianity anti-Semitic?

–Archbishop Worlock reflects on Catholic education and the 1944 Education

–Bishop Clark discusses the movement to Christian unity.

–Bishop Sangu of Tanzania examines justice in the African context.

«Teachers of the Faith» retails at £6 and is available from the Catholic
Media Office, 39 Eccleston Square, London SW1V 1BX (cmo@cbcew.org.uk). The
ISBN is 0-905241-19-3.

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