US Bishops Welcome "Dignitas Personae"

Cardinal: Instruction Gives Guidance in Heavily Scientific Age

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WASHINGTON, D.C., DEC. 12, 2008 ( The president of the U.S. episcopal conference welcomed the statement released today by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, saying it gives guidance in a heavily scientific age.

Cardinal Francis George, archbishop of Chicago, said in a statement today that the document on ethical issues arising from biomedical research again defends the life of unborn human beings.

«We welcome the instruction as theologians, medical personnel, researchers and married couples consider new scientific and medical procedures that have profound ethical implications bearing upon the procreation of children and the integrity of marriage,» he said.

«We applaud developments which advance medical progress with respect for the sanctity of human life from the moment of conception,» the cardinal added. «We oppose discarding or manipulating innocent lives to benefit future generations, or promoting the creation of new human life in depersonalized ways that substitute for the loving union between a husband and wife.»

Cardinal George noted that the document approves fertility treatments that «succeed in re-establishing the normal function of human procreation» as well as «stem cell research and therapies that respect the inherent dignity of the human person.»

He also pointed out the instruction’s encouragement of research into infertility and adoption, as assistance for infertile couples.

«Dignitas Persone» notes that «behind every ‘no’ in the difficult task of discerning between good and evil, there shines a great ‘yes’ to the recognition of the dignity and inalienable value of every single and unique human being called into existence.»

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