U.S. Bishops to Vote on Liturgy Items

WASHINGTON, D.C., NOV. 8, 2002 (Zenit.org).- The U.S. Catholic bishops will be asked next week to approve a new translation of the ordination rite and of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal.

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The English translation of the rite of ordination for bishops, priests and deacons to be presented for the approval of the bishops’ conference follows several years of work among the Holy See, the International Commission on English in the Liturgy (ICEL), and the bishops’ conferences which are members of ICEL.

The General Instruction in the Roman Missal, the book of prayer texts used for the celebration of Mass, treats various aspects of the eucharistic celebration.

Among the topics the instruction addresses are «the importance and dignity of the Eucharistic celebration,» the structure of the Mass, forms of celebration, the arrangement and furnishing of churches, and others.

When the bishops approved the revised second edition of the Lectionary for Mass, the book of Scripture texts used at Mass, they also voted to review the Lectionary in five years. The bishops also will be asked to approve a process for conducting that scheduled review.

The Committee on Liturgy will present the items for consideration.

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