Pope Francis concluded his apostolic journey to Belgium with a momentous event at the King Baudouin Stadium in Brussels

Pope Francis concluded his apostolic journey to Belgium with a momentous event at the King Baudouin Stadium in Brussels Photo: Vatican Media

The Pope’s third day in Belgium: Mass in front of 40,000 people and a beatification

Pope Francis Concludes Belgium Visit with Mass at King Baudouin Stadium and the Beatification of Ana de Jesús

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(ZENIT News / Bruxelles, 09.29.2024).- On Sunday, September 29, Pope Francis concluded his apostolic journey to Belgium with a momentous event at the King Baudouin Stadium in Brussels. The day was marked by a deep sense of unity and celebration as the Pope presided over a Mass attended by approximately 40,000 faithful. The highlight of the ceremony was the beatification of Ana de Jesús, a significant figure in the history of the Discalced Carmelite Order.

A Joyful Welcome at King Baudouin Stadium

The morning began with the Pope departing from the Apostolic Nunciature after greeting staff and benefactors. Arriving at the stadium at 9 a.m., he switched to the iconic popemobile, making a slow circuit around the arena. The crowd, which had gathered in eager anticipation, greeted the Pope with cheers and applause, reflecting the joy and reverence they felt for his presence. Pope Francis greeted the attendees and gave them a sense of warmth and accessibility to the crowded gathering as he blessed the faithful from the popemobile.

Beatification of Ana de Jesús

At 10 a.m., the Pope presided over a solemn Mass, marking the 26th Sunday of Ordinary Time. The Mass also featured the beatification of Ana de Jesús, a 16th-century Spanish nun who played a pivotal role in spreading the Discalced Carmelite reform initiated by St. Teresa of Ávila. Ana de Jesús, recognized for her spiritual depth and leadership, was declared “Blessed” during the ceremony—a step toward sainthood.

In his homily, Pope Francis spoke about the importance of humility and service, drawing from the life of Ana de Jesús as an example of unwavering faith and dedication. He emphasized that her legacy should inspire Christians to live with compassion, sacrifice, and an openness to God’s will.

The beatification was a powerful moment for many in attendance, especially for the Carmelite community, who regard Ana de Jesús as a spiritual mother and model of holiness. The Pope’s words echoed throughout the stadium, encouraging all present to seek a life of virtue and to follow in the footsteps of the newly beatified.

A Heartfelt Farewell with the Angelus Prayer

Following the Mass, Archbishop Luc Terlinden of Malines-Brussels expressed his gratitude to Pope Francis for his visit and for leading such a meaningful celebration. The Pope then led the recitation of the Angelus, a traditional Catholic prayer that honors the moment of the Incarnation. It was a moment of collective reflection and peace, with the vast crowd joining in prayer.

After the Angelus, Pope Francis took a moment to greet the Belgian royal family, including King Philippe and Queen Mathilde, as well as members of the Luxembourg royal family. His warm exchanges with the royals highlighted the strong relationship between the Vatican and the two nations. 

Departure from Belgium: A Farewell at Melsbroek Air Base

Shortly after the conclusion of the Mass, Pope Francis left the stadium and traveled to Melsbroek Air Base for the official farewell ceremony. Upon arrival at 12:35 p.m., the Pope was welcomed by a government minister, who escorted him to the VIP Lounge for a final meeting and the signing of the Honor Book of the airbase.

Following this, Pope Francis passed through a Guard of Honor, greeting both the Belgian delegation and his own entourage. In a final gesture of gratitude and respect, the Pope bid farewell to the people of Belgium as he boarded an A321 Brussels Airlines aircraft at 1:21 p.m., heading back to Italy.

Return to Rome

Pope Francis’ plane landed at Leonardo da Vinci International Airport in Rome at 3 p.m., marking the end of his apostolic journey to both Luxembourg and Belgium. The trip, which focused on themes of peace, social justice, and the promotion of human dignity, left a lasting impact on the thousands of people who had the opportunity to witness his presence and hear his messages.

From the beatification of a revered nun to meetings with refugees and youth, Pope Francis’ visit to Belgium was a powerful testament to his ongoing commitment to building bridges of compassion and understanding across borders. As the Pope returned to the Vatican, the echoes of his words, prayers, and actions lingered in the hearts of many, offering hope and inspiration for the future.

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