WESTMINSTER, England, MAY 30,2012 (Zenit.org).- Seventeen men were ordained deacons on May 26 at Westminster Cathedral. The men -- all former Anglican clergy -- were ordained, at the request of Monsignor Keith Newton, the Ordinary of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, The diaconal ordination was presided by Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster and former Anglican, Alan Hopes.

The celebration marks the second year of ordinations for the Ordinariate, which was established in 2011 to allow Anglicans to enter into the full communion of the Catholic Church while retaining essential elements of their liturgical and spiritual heritage.

Among those ordained were former Anglican clergy from Scotland, Darlington, Portsmouth, Northampton and Oxford.

The homily was given by Monsignor Andrew Burnham, former Anglican bishop of Ebbsfleet and now an Assistant to the Ordinary. He called upon Catholics to offer their wholehearted support to the Ordinariate, following the example of the Holy Father.

Commenting on the fact that with the establishment of the Ordinariate the Catholic Church in England will soon have eighty more priests, he said: “We receive far more than we can ever bring.”

A further group of diaconal ordinations is expected over the summer.