The English Sector Commission for Evangelization and Catechesis of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) has launched a new catechetical tool, Criteria for Catechesis. It is intended primarily to assist the dioceses of Canada in selecting, developing and approving English-language catechetical resources for use in their Catholic schools and parishes as well as with families. In order to be helpful as well for catechists, pastors and parents, and also publishers, the new 600-page text has been made user-friendly and electronically compatible throughout, so specific information can be easily searched and found. Alink to the new resource is located on the opening page of the CCCB website.

In his letter of introduction for the new resource, the Most Reverend Douglas Crosby, O.M.I., Bishop of Hamilton and President of the CCCB, thanks the Most Reverend Richard Smith, Archbishop of Edmonton and past Chairman of the Commission, and its current Chairman, the Most Reverend Albert LeGatt, Archbishop of Saint Boniface, together with the other members of the Commission, past and present – the former for initiating this major project, the latter for seeing it through to completion. Bishop Crosby also acknowledges the contributions of the previous staff of the former office for religious education, Ms. Joanne Chafe and Ms. Simonne Carr, both of whom are now deceased but had helped develop the initial draft.

The English Sector Office for Evangelization and Catechesis has also recently published the first issue of Encounter, a new electronic resource. This is intended to provide practical support for diocesan directors of religious education, parish catechists, and families who provide catechesis within their homes. In the article introducing the first issue, the Director of the CCCB Office for Evangelization and Catechesis, Ms. Margaret Shea-Lawrence, writes: "It is our hope that this newsletter will become a forum for sharing research, ideas and strategies from among the vast experience and expertise that exists throughout Canada. Our inaugural edition of Encounter includes perspectives and approaches to catechesis from various dioceses in Canada."

Link to the Commission Webpage
Link to the Webpage of the Office for Evangelization and Catechesis
Link to the Criteria for Catechesis
Link to the electronic bulletin Encounter (PDF)