Peru and Brazil are working together to eradicate child labor in the Amazonia.

According to Fides, the governments of the two Southern American nations are launching a campaign to promote this cause.

On August 8, in Iquitos, the largest city in Peru’s Amazon region, there will be the Peru-Brazil Two Nation Festival, which intends to increase awareness regarding the deplorable exploitation of children in the Peruvian region of Loreto.

According to the International Labor Organization, in Peru up to 50,000 children work as gold miners in small-scale mines, facing dangerous conditions and constantly at risk from accidents.
During the festival, representatives of the two countries will sign a Memorandum Agreement to combat the scourge of child labor in not only Loreto, but also the Peruvian region of Madre de Dios, and in affected Brazilian areas which border Peru. The authorities will also sign an accord expressing their commitment to prevent and eradicate the phenomenon. 
This initiative came as part of a Peru-Brazil joint working plan between the countries’ respective labor ministries.