A conference regarding the scientific study of near-death experiences will be held tomorrow at the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum in Rome.
Presenting at the conference will be Professor Robert J. Hesse, Ph.D., co-founder and President of the Contemplative Network. According to a press release by the University, while advanced degrees have been granted in neurotheology, it is still widely debated.
“The subject is being driven by the fact that scientists are starting to recognize that near-death and contemplative experiences are both real and similar, and potentially related to neuroscience,” the communique stated. “Even today there are reports of experiences similar to those described by Sts. & Drs. Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross.”
Dr. Hesse’s presentation will look into the nature of these phenomena, beginning with a study of the biological brain’s dualities, as well as the conscious and unconscious experiences. Those studies will be compared to the neurology of near-death and mystical experiences.
“Because prayer can lead to contemplative experiences and because of the principle of non-dualism, i.e. that the body and soul are interstitially meant for each other, research will be proposed for studying the effects of discursive cataphatic and wordless apophatic prayer on the brain,” the communique concluded.
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For more information on Dr. Robert Hesse’s Contemplative Network, go to: www.contemplative.net.