The One of Us Initiative has announced that they have surpassed their goal of 1.2 million signatures for their campaign.

According to the petition website, The "One of Us" campaign is a European citizen's initiative (ECI) that is seeking "juridical protection of the dignity, the right to life and of the integrity of every human being from conception in the areas of EU competence in which such protection is of particular importance."

In a message sent to campaign members, Ana Del Pino, Coordinator of the campaign, stated that while having surpassed their does not mean an end to gathering signatures. The One of Us Campaign, she said, can not “stop making the necessary efforts to protect the human embryo within the European Union.”

“We will continue to show how deep our obligation to defend the first of human rights is. As evident from the logo we have all spread around the EU, every human being has the right to life and the necessary protection regardless of its stage of the development.

The One of Us campaign, which also seeks to ban financing of activities which presuppose the destruction of human embryos, celebrated their first milestone in September when the campaign reached the 1 million signatures mark.

Del Pino stated that current results give them the strength to “demand a response” from the EU and insist that “the protection of life is not a question of minimums.”