The Holy See has alerted the Philippine Bishops of the presence of two schismatic groups in the country.

The Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) were informed by the Apostolic Nunciature recently on the activity of the associations.

According to an article released by the CBCP, the “Roman Catholic Society of Pope Leo XIII” (Societas Catholica Romana Papae Leonis) and the Opus Sancti Michaelis Archangeli (OSMA) have spread through several countries.

The groups “are not Catholic associations and sacred orders received from their leaders are not recognized by the Catholic Church,” said Msgr. Seamus Horgan, first secretary to the Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines.

Msgr. Gabor Pinter, chargé d’affaires of the Apostolic Nunciature in the Philippines, told the CBCP that the Roman Catholic Society of Pius XIII, which is led by Mr. David G. Bell, cannot exercise any ministry within the Church, especially bishops ordained within the schismatic society.

“All organizations and associations connected with the Society must be regarded in the same manner as other non Catholic institutions are,” Msgr. Gabor said.

“Furthermore, since Mr. Bell has committed the crime of schism, all who have received ordination from him have incurred, for their part, the sanction prescribed by can. 1364 of the CIC: that is excommunication latae sententiae,” he said.