False "Fatima Secret" Circulating on Internet

Miami Archbishop Dismisses Link to Sept. 11 Attacks

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MIAMI, Florida, SEPT. 18, 2001 (Zenit.org).- Archbishop John C. Favalora of Miami has dismissed the alleged «third secret of Fatima,» circulating on Internet, which refers to the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States.

The «Third Secret of Fatima» is a republication of the text that circulated on Internet shortly before the advent of the year 2000. That text´s «promises» of destruction and «divine punishment» were denied with the June 26, 2000, publication of the Fatima revelations by the Holy See.

«We are close to the last minute of the last day and the catastrophe is near,» the false document states, adding that «the Pope and the bishops are now awaiting another message, which speaks about repentance and prayer.»

In his statement, Archbishop Favalora clarifies that «the secret of Fatima is already known, and the world has not ended,» referring to its publication by the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

«Instead of perdition and darkness, the Fatima predictions are a confirmation for the faithful that, despite the horrors of history, God is with us,» the archbishop stressed.

He added that false, catastrophic predictions are not necessary to understand that «penance and prayer for the conversion of the world are even more necessary,» because there are «even more insidious enemies, such as materialism, secularism and hedonism.»

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