World Youth Day Cross Arrives in Toronto

TORONTO, JUNE 12, 2002 ( The World Youth Day cross has arrived in Toronto after a trek that took it to places as diverse as Alaska and ground zero in New York.

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The cross arrived Sunday, and was carried on youths´ shoulders for 15 kilometers (9.3 miles) in a pilgrimage that included flags, hymns and prayers.

The procession continued on the streets of the city, from St. Augustine Seminary to St. Michael´s Cathedral, where prayers were led by Cardinal Aloysius Ambrosic.

During the weeks leading up to World Youth Day in late July, the cross will be carried to stops throughout the archdiocese.

After traveling through Italy, the last venue of World Youth Day, the cross visited a number of places in North America. In New York, it was taken to the World Trade Center site, where prayers were recited for the victims of Sept. 11.

The cross left Peterborough and arrived in Toronto´s diocesan territory on June 6, thus completing the tour of the country´s Catholic communities, which began in Montreal on April 28.

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