Research Begins for Possible Beatification of John Paul I

VATICAN CITY, AUG. 27, 2002 ( The life and work of John Paul I, who was Pope for 33 days, will be the object of research to promote his beatification.

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Bishop Vicenzo Savio of Belluno-Feltre made the announcement Monday when he celebrated a Mass in Canale d’Agordo, birthplace of Albino Luciani, to mark the 24th anniversary of his election as Pope.

Preliminary research will be undertaken «to gather information on the life and work of John Paul I,» the archdiocese explained.

John Paul I’s brother Edward Luciani and mayors of neighboring villages attended the Mass. During the homily Bishop Savio reflected on the value of humility.

Humility is not something negative but rather an «antidote to the hypocrisy» that reigns everywhere, the bishop stressed. «Humiltas» was John Paul I’s motto.

During the Offertory, the faithful handed over volumes with testimonies of possible graces as well as 300,000 signatures urging John Paul II to beatify his predecessor.

Cardinal Albino Luciani, patriarch of Venice, succeeded Paul VI, who died Aug. 6, 1978. John Paul I died in his bed of a heart attack the following Sept. 28.

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