"Brother's Day" Aims to Keep Alive Mother Teresa's Legacy

ROME, SEPT. 2, 2002 (Zenit.org).- «Brother’s Day,» an initiative to preserve Mother Teresa’s legacy of charity, will be observed this Thursday, the fifth anniversary of her death.

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The idea was launched in 1999 by Father Miguel Elías Alderete Garrido, priest and promoter of the Spanish-language «Catolicos» Internet page (www.catolicos.org.ar).

Sister Nirmala, Mother Teresa’s successor as head of the Missionaries of Charity, supported the initiative in a letter dated Aug. 7, 1999, so «long as the observance of the Day is to invite people to prayer and to putting love into action, without any kind of fund raising or collection of goods involved.»

Father Alderete Garrido said the day should be observed with works of mercy.

«Open the doors of your home to the neediest,» he urged. «Share your table with the hungry; clothe the naked; give drink to the thirsty; visit the sick; welcome the pilgrim.»

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