Limerick Puts a Bit of Its Heritage on the Web

LIMERICK, Ireland, OCT. 6, 2002 ( Limerick Bishop Donal Murray has launched a new diocesan Web site containing the history of each parish in the Irish diocese.

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It records the churches, graveyards, shrines, a list of the priests who served in the parishes over the years, and some significant people and events.

The work, undertaken by two students of Mary Immaculate College, is also presented in a CD-ROM. The project began as a Jubilee 2000 project.

«Limerick people, and perhaps especially those who are living abroad, will find the site of great interest,» said Bishop Murray.

The Web site can be accessed at Profits from sales of the CD-ROM go toward the St John’s Cathedral Restoration Fund, according to the bishops’ Catholic Communications Office.

More information is available at the Limerick Diocesan Offices, 66 O’Connell Street, Limerick. E-mail:

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