Pakistan's Christian Leaders Say No to Pre-emptive War on Iraq

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, JAN. 21, 2003 (ZENIT.orgFides).- Catholic and other Christian leaders in Pakistan made an urgent appeal for avoidance of a war with Iraq.

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«As the calamity of war in Iraq looms on the horizon, we recognize that this conflict will have far-reaching and disastrous consequences for all our region,» reads a joint pastoral letter, issued Jan. 16.

It was signed by Archbishop Lawrence Saldhana, president of the Pakistan Catholic Bishops’ Conference, and Victor Azariah, secretary-general of the National Council of Churches in Pakistan.

«We share the concern of our Muslim brethren and all people of good will in expressing their total condemnation of this pre-emptive strike,» the letter reads.

The Christian leaders continue: «We call upon President George W. Bush and Prime Minster Tony Blair to reverse their decision to wage war and, instead, to use other means to force Iraq to comply with the U.N. resolutions for disarmament of weapons of mass destruction.»

«We also call upon Iraqi leaders and other world leaders to play their part in an all-out effort to avoid war and prevent untold sufferings for millions of innocent people who will be affected by a war,» the letter adds.

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