Papal Intention: for Children

VATICAN CITY, NOV. 29, 2004 ( John Paul II will pray for children in a particular way in December, the month when the Church celebrates the birth of Jesus.

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«May children be considered as precious gifts of God, to whom is due respect, understanding and love,» states the general intention of the Apostleship of Prayer for the coming month, an intention which the Pope makes his own.

The Holy Father this year has been emphasizing the dignity of children and the respect due to them.

In his message for Lent, for instance, he reminded the faithful that «in becoming a child, [Jesus] wished to share the human experience.»

Referring to his Lenten theme, «Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me,” from Matthew 18:5, John Paul II said, «Jesus’ words are an exhortation to examine how children are treated in our families, in civil society, and in the Church.»

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