90th Anniversary for Daughters of St. Paul

ROME, JUNE 15, 2005 (Zenit.org).- The Daughters of St. Paul celebrated the 90th anniversary of their mission of evangelization in the media.

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«Be worthy Daughters of St. Paul,» said their superior general, Sister M. Antonietta Bruscato, in a letter to her Pauline Sisters on the 90th anniversary observed today. The congregation’s founder was Blessed James Alberione (1884-1971).

May «this imperative, repeated several times by our founder, help us to return to the most genuine sources of our charismatic identity, to find in the life and experience of the Apostle Paul, that enthusiasm for the Lord and for the men and women of our time, that communicative ardor, that capacity for dialogue with all cultures that the Church and world expect from us today,» she added in her letter.

Coinciding with the anniversary, the congregation‘s International Secretariat of Spirituality offered two new volumes of the «Opera Omnia,» a compilation of the thought of Blessed Alberione.

This Thursday, Bishop Renato Boccardo, secretary-general of Vatican City State, will preside over a Mass of thanksgiving in Rome’s Regina Apostolorum Shrine, for the anniversary.

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