A Decalogue on Ethics and Environment

Presented by Council for Justice and Peace

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ROME, NOV. 8, 2005 (Zenit.org).- A decalogue based on the social doctrine of the Church on the environment was presented at a congress held at the European University of Rome.

Cardinal Renato Martino, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, addressed the congress «Ethics and Environment» on Monday and said that «the environmental question is a modern way of posing the social question.»

Bishop Giampaolo Crepaldi, the pontifical council’s secretary, summarized in an interpretative decalogue the teachings in the 10th chapter of the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church. Here is a summary of it.

1) The Bible must dictate the fundamental moral principles of God’s plan on the relationship between man and creation.

2) It is necessary to develop an ecological conscience of responsibility for creation and humanity.

3) The question of the environment entails the whole planet, as it is a collective good.

4) It is necessary to confirm the primacy of ethics and of the rights of man over technology.

5) Nature must not be regarded as a reality that is divine in itself; therefore, it is not removed from human action.

6) The goods of the earth were created by God for the good of all. It is necessary to underline the universal destiny of goods.

7) There must be collaboration in the ordered development of the poorest regions.

8) International collaboration, the right to development, a healthy environment and peace must be considered in the different legislations.

9) It is necessary to adopt more sober lifestyles.

10) A spiritual response must be given, which is not the worship of nature.

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