Archbishop Denounces "Biological Colonialism"

Eggs of African Women to Be Used in Research Abroad

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JOHANNESBURG, South Africa, JAN. 27, 2009 ( The archbishop of Johannesburg warned of legislation that will allow the harvesting of eggs from African women for investigation purposes in other countries.

Archbishop Buti Joseph Tlhagale underlined this in his opening address at the plenary assembly of the Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference, which began Thursday. The archbishop is the president of that episcopal group.

Among other things, the archbishop called attention to the «global ethic» and its challenge to Churches. He described it as «the global postmodern ethic that puts great value on differences,» and «maintains that reality is a social construct, that truth is what you make of it.»

With this lack of objective truth, Archbishop Tlhagale noted, «the authority of the Word of God has been turned on its head.»

He added: «God himself has been knocked off the pedestal. […] Natural law is seen as an integral part of ancient explanations or mythologies. A whole new vocabulary and concepts have been produced by the postmodern global ethic.»

The prelate asserted that in this worldview, the «right to choose» is promoted as the fundamental norm. As a consequence, he said: «One can freely choose bisexuality, homosexuality, lesbianism, heterosexuality. Children now have the right to choose abortion irrespective of their parent’s beliefs. They too have equal rights.»

On the doorstep

Under this flag, the archbishop identified euthanasia as an attempt to exert the «right to choose,» along with «reproductive health» as the «right not to reproduce.»

He affirmed: «It was the 1995 Beijing conference that jettisoned the complimentarity of man and woman. The goal is to achieve an asexual society, a society free of sexual labels.

«The Cairo Conference spoke of family under all its forms in order to include families of same-sex parents. There is a concerted effort to eliminate words such as virginity, chastity, spouse, husband, wife, marriage, etc.»

Archbishop Tlhagale further warned his listeners of continuing attempts to legalize abortion and in vitro fertilization in African countries, with the African Union’s Maputo Protocol and the U.N. Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women.

Among his main concerns, he said: «Such legislation will make it possible to poach ovarian human eggs from African women. Harvesting ovarian human eggs in Africa will help meet the needs of embryonic stem cell research in industrialized countries.

«It is illegal to use British eggs in Great Britain. Biological colonialism is on our doorstep.»

The archbishop concluded by posing a question: «Do Church leaders have a say in these complex moral issues of the day or are we simply left to the mercy of unscrupulous campaigners?»

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