Legionary Superior-General Regarding Founder's Life

«I Ask Forgiveness for All This Suffering»

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ROME, FEB. 7, 2009 (Zenit.org).- Here is the text of a letter from Father Álvaro Corcuera, superior-general of the Legionaries of Christ and Regnum Christi, in response to news released this week regarding the congregation’s founder, the late Father Marcial Maciel.

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To all Regnum Christi members:

I am writing this letter in the presence of Christ in the Eucharist, thanking you for all your prayers and closeness – expressing the family spirit with which God in his infinite goodness has blessed us. In writing, I also want to express my most sincere and heartfelt support, as a brother whose only desire is to be with you, and to gather together with you around Christ, who is the center of our lives.

At this time, we want to look at everything from the vantage point of faith, hope and charity, and to act according to the heart of Christ who became flesh and redeemed us.

We are living a time of pain and suffering. And with this pain comes the experience of God’s infinite love as he asks us to continue forward in peace and goodness, for all he wants is for us to know the happiness of being his children. In my own experience, I can say that whenever I am with you I can see the love of God in your hearts like a mirror that gives light to the lives of so many people and which joins us together as one family.

In the Eucharist, in prayer, I asked Jesus to help me find the right words to speak to you at this time. Humanly, it has not been easy, but in moments such as these he tells us: «Trust in me, place all in my heart.» He loves us to the extreme, and cares for us as the Good Shepherd who never lets us fall prey to solitude and darkness. «Though I walk through a dark valley, I fear no evil, for the Lord is at my side» (Ps. 22/23:4).

I know that we all want to act, as St Paul says, in the truth, and we know that the crown of truth is charity. As St Augustine teaches: «Truth alone triumphs» and «The victory of truth is charity» (Sermon, 358:11). Charity bears all, believes all, hopes for all, endures all (cf. 1Cor. 13:7). It is the weight of love that will produce the response he wants so as to give peace to our souls.

As regards truth, the first thing we see in Christ’s presence is that he is the Truth, which leads us to look at everything through him. In the present case, regarding the person of our Father Founder, I cannot but recognize all the good I received through him. Through the charism he passed on to us, many people have received from God what has given meaning to our lives: love for Christ, the Blessed Virgin, the Church, the Pope and souls. These are our loves. On a personal level, I am grateful to him for being the instrument God used to give my entire life meaning, seeking eternal salvation, the path to God. This is the truth I experienced, and it would be impossible to find enough words to thank him.
It is also true that he was a man, and these things that have hurt and surprised us-and I don’t believe we can explain with our reason alone-have already been judged by God. It is true that we are going through much suffering and a great deal of pain. As in a family, these pains draw us together and lead us to suffer and rejoice as one body. This circumstance we are living invites us to look at everything with much faith, humility and charity. Thus we place it in the hands of God, who teaches us the way of infinite mercy.

For my part, I ask forgiveness for all this suffering. And I beg God with all my being to help us all to see it from the heart of Christ.

Truth, in charity, leads us to think, speak and act like Christ in everything. I know that whatever I say will never be enough, but I do want to express all my closeness, gratitude and prayers, with the certainty that «for the one who loves, EVERYTHING contributes to his good» (cf. Rom. 8:28).

The Blessed Virgin guides us. Some days ago, we went to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe. There with several Movement members we prayed the Rosary. Mary welcomes us and surprises us with her love, and once again she speaks her words to our hearts: «My child, am I not here, who am your mother? Do not be afflicted or saddened.»

I know that these reflections are general. These attitudes I have wanted to share with you are the answer I would like us to find in our hearts.

Let us look at everything through God, let us face forward, never stop, and never tire of doing good. These are times for holiness, humility, and charity. And in everything, let us be instruments of God to do good.

God bless you always!

Your affectionate brother in Christ and in the Movement,
Fr Alvaro Corcuera, LC

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