Professor Posts Most Recent Health Care Bill

STEUBENVILLE, Ohio, MARCH 19, 2009 ( As the House of Representatives continue to fight it out over health care, a former professor of business at the Franciscan University of Steubenville is continuing to help inform the debate.

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Douglas Lowry, founder and president of Marpex Inc., has been working since last year to make available to legislators and the general public a searchable, online and current version of the health care reform legislation.

Lowry, who holds a doctorate from the Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, informed ZENIT that as of Friday morning, half of the 6,219 pages of the Health Care and Education Affordability Reconciliation Act of 2010 are «searchable at, with more to come.»

«The task of getting all […] of the new health bill into shape is a challenge,» he added. The bill, which is expected to be put to a vote on Sunday, was made available Thursday night.

The professor said he will post the bill in six parts. As of this publication, three parts were available.

The online version of the health care bill is part of Lowry’s Words Close Together project, which uses the method of relevance ranking to create more adequate search engines for research purpose.

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