Kirkuk Prelate Reports Optimism

Says Iraqis Are Tired of Violence

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KIRKUK, Iraq, MARCH 22, 2010 ( Minorities in post-election Iraq are looking to the future with optimism, even if winners still haven’t been declared.

This is the estimation given by Archbishop Louis Sako of Kirkuk, who told Aid to the Church in Need that a better future is on the horizon since most people are «tired of violence.»

«The elections were carried out very well. During the campaign period, the political parties debated their programs in a very civilized way,» the archbishop said.

He contrasted this vote with the 2005 election, which he called «much more sectarian.»

«Now people have chosen more secular parties, not like last time,» Archbishop Sako said. «Whatever happens, it will be a good result. I am very optimistic about that.»

The results of the vote are expected by the end of the month.

The Kirkuk prelate expressed optimism regardless of the outcome, speaking positively of both leading candidates: “When [Prime Minister Iyad] Allawi was in power during the violence in Fallujah and Najaf [in 2004-5], he was decisive. He imposed the law and the army was able to help stabilize the security situation.

«But even if [current Prime Minister Nouri] Malaki wins, it will be OK and things will change. People are tired of violence and they are determined to see an improvement.»

Even the Christians of Mosul seem to be showing optimism. Violence in the run-up to the election saw 30 Christians killed in that northern Iraqi city. Perhaps as many as 3,500 consequently fled to nearby villages. But now, most of those have returned.

Aid to the Church in Need reported that Archbishop Amil Nona of Mosul is eager to go forward as planned with upcoming Holy Week and Easter liturgies, despite some closed churches and ongoing security concerns.

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