PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti, APRIL 27, 2010 (Zenit.org).- The Knights of Columbus today delivered wheelchairs to victims of the Haiti earthquake who lost even their mobility in the disaster.
A donation of more than 1,000 wheelchairs is being made in partnership with the Global Wheelchair Mission and the Dominican Repbuic-based HHS Foundation. The first distribution was today from the University of Miami/Medishare Hospital in Port au Prince.
«Though time has dimmed the memory of the tragic earthquake in Haiti for many who live elsewhere, the physical suffering of those injured in the earthquake and here in Port au Prince continues in a very real way,» said Supreme Knight Carl Anderson. «We are grateful for the opportunity to give the gift of mobility to those who need it most, and who otherwise would be condemned to lives of isolation and hopelessness.»
The Knights of Columbus are known for wheelchair donations, having made similar deliveries over the past decade to nations including Afghanistan, Mexico, Panama, Cuba and Jordan.